Wounded soldiers attending Wine Festival surprised to hear they’re traitors and rejects

YEREVAN, ARMENIA — The Armenian Wine Festival (one of the thousands of festivals Armenians have for each fruit, drink… basically anything edible) has stirred some drama this year, with unexpected competition from a “Let’s Whine Festival” which mainly took place on social media. Basically, people attending it have been called “traitors”, “zombies”, “Pashinyan’s rejects” by … Read more

Semuchka explains: French Armenian mayor financing Turkish mosque while Azerbaijan erases Armenian churches

INTERNET, HADES — Some of our readers may have heard about weird things going on in France. For a few days, that French Armenians stopped complaining about Nikol Pashinyan and are hating some lady instead. But one thing French people tend to forget is that their language is super hard and that we’re super lazy … Read more

URGENT Declaration from the ARF Dashnak

[Editor’s note: we know we’ve been a little mischievous at times with the ARF, but we just got news of this declaration and we give our full support to every member of the party in these troubled times.] URGENT Declaration from the super angry ARF Dashnak   At 12:00 noon today, the ARF Dashnak, became … Read more

Syrio-Armenian couple name their baby George

ALEPPO, SYRIA – An Armenian couple from Syria just had their first child, and decided to name him George. “We wanted something original,” the happy parents said. “Something that sets him apart from other boys in the community.” “The problem with Armenians is that we often have the same names that keep coming up,” the … Read more