Wounded soldiers attending Wine Festival surprised to hear they’re traitors and rejects

YEREVAN, ARMENIA — The Armenian Wine Festival (one of the thousands of festivals Armenians have for each fruit, drink… basically anything edible) has stirred some drama this year, with unexpected competition from a “Let’s Whine Festival” which mainly took place on social media.

Basically, people attending it have been called “traitors”, “zombies”, “Pashinyan’s rejects” by various figures, including random strangers on the internet and random politicians (as in people who somehow became politicians, and nobody’s sure how and why).

As usual, like they do on every topic, people based their whole argument on: “THINK OF THE SOLDIERS !!!

While the drama was going on, a group made of soldiers wounded during the war was there, selling stuff to support themselves and their comrades. Yeah, you got it right: SOLDIERS WERE THERE, AND IT ACTUALLY HELPED THEM.

Link: https://fb.watch/5YbfYPuXrp/

According to our sources, they were really surprised to hear how they were betraying… themselves, by trying to do something that actually mattered.

“I’m sorry, I don’t really have time right now”, one soldier said. “I  have to care about my friends”, he added while moving on his wheelchair.

At publishing time, whiners still weren’t shutting up on the whole thing, and kept on virtue signaling by insulting our boys.

This whole thing is also an opportunity to promote a project who actually deserves all our attention: Beauty by Soldiers.

Beauty by Soldiers is a project allowing wounded soldiers to create works of art, compositions, paintings… which are sold to help other soldiers in their process of recovery, and hopefully, a return to normal life.

Check their Facebook page here : https://www.facebook.com/beautybysoldiers/

Photo Credits: Beauty by Soldiers